Antonim Otokratis. All translations of otokratis. sensagent. sensagent's content. definitions. synonyms. antonyms. encyclopedia. definisi. Sinonim dan antonim bahasa Indonesia terkumpul dalam.
Antonim artinya Lawan Kata, Sehingga Antonim berbanding terbalik dengan Sinonim yang artinya Persaaman Kata. · Dualisme X Padu. · Otokratis X Demokratis. · Dungu X Brilian.
Antonym is a semantic term for words that have opposite meanings or definitions, or words that have contradictory meanings.
A premium line of certified natural/organic. Assalamualaikum Wr Wb Selamat datang di Video Nita. This seems to indicate that the antonym for acronym is expansion, based on backronym's definition in the Oxford US Dictionary online as a fanciful antonym of acronym.